Thursday, March 3, 2011


Well hello there!

As a devoted student of the Internet, I thought I would share some new and favorite (and completely random, with no discernible theme) discoveries. Let the wild clickage start!

I find this website for the reading traveler (or travelling reader) positively ingenious. The flying fish is charming too. Though I eat those guys now.

As a kid I must have read or listened to The Man Who Listens to Horses a thousand times. Monty Roberts was and is my hero. And now, thanks to youtube, videos like this exist. Just watch and listen, horse person or not, it will give you chills.

This lovely blog is a professional escapist's dream. Completely transporting.

And of course, a happy birthday video, courtesy of the US Embassy in London, was just what the doctor ordered today.

This fantastic blog about homeschooling in small town New Mexico is an inspiration.

And finally, Kate updated her blog at long last, and provides a healthy dose of wit and cockroaches for those of you who can't get enough of the wildlife featured here.


  1. thank you for the link:) made my morning.

  2. And your comment just made mine! I love love love everything you do
